Find the restrictions:

how to solve problem
1. y = 3- sqrt(2x-8)

x => 0

2. y = 9-sqrt(x -2)

x =>0


2x-8 ≥ 0
2x≥ 8
x ≥ 4

x-2 ≥ 0
x ≥ 2

where is 3 goes?

To find the restrictions for each equation, we need to analyze the domain of the square root function within each equation.

1. y = 3 - sqrt(2x - 8)
To determine the restrictions for this equation, we need to find the values of x that make the expression inside the square root function equal to or greater than zero.

2x - 8 ≥ 0
2x ≥ 8
x ≥ 4

Therefore, the restriction for this equation is x ≥ 4, which means that the value of x must be greater than or equal to 4.

2. y = 9 - sqrt(x - 2)
Similarly, we need to find the values of x that make the expression inside the square root function equal to or greater than zero.

x - 2 ≥ 0
x ≥ 2

Therefore, the restriction for this equation is x ≥ 2, which means that the value of x must be greater than or equal to 2.