Which of the following is the best course of action when it comes to using natural resources?

A. Only nonrenewable resources should be carefully managed
B. Only renewable resources should be carefully managed
C. Conservation should be implemented for both renewable and nonrenewable resources***
D. Conservation only benefits the availability of fossil fuels

I agree.

Answers to the whole test.

1.) Which of the following is the best course of action when it comes to using natural resources ?

Answer: C = Conservation should be implemented for both renewable and nonrenewable resources.

2.) In the 1930s, windmills were widely used to generate electricity on most farms in the united states. Which kind of energy resource is used in windmills?

Answer: C = Renewable energy

3.) The amount of land and water that individuals use to meet their resource needs is called?

Answer: D = Ecological foot print.

4.) Fertile soil is a valuable natural resource. Which of the following illustrates why this resource is important?

Answer: B = most plants need soil to grow

Lele is rightπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

i got 100! tysm lele!

Thank you so much Lele! You are right!


100% correct!

tysm lele!!πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‹

Yay lele

Lele is right I just got 100%

Thanks lele i got 100%

Name 2 of each type of resources for renewable and non renewable sources

that is right

as of 2019 Kpop is real is right


THX I got 100% WOOP WOOP!!!

thx lele and kpop



in 2021 Kpop is real is still right


tysm Kpop is real person


Harrison wants to use only containers that come from non-renewable resources. He chooses _________ because it is the only container that comes from a renewable resource such as plants.

A plastic cup
A paper cup
A coffee cup
A measuring cup

B. A paper cup.