Create an image illustrating the concept of cardiovascular fitness through sports. Display visually distinct areas representing four popular sports - soccer, with players in the midst of a thrilling match, baseball, with a pitcher throwing a fast pitch, football, with a competitive game in progress, and golf, with a golfer preparing to swing. Each sports representation must exude action and energy, showcasing the physical demands and potential benefits for cardiovascular fitness. Ensure the picture communicates movement, determination, and athletic prowess, while keeping a balance and harmony in the image. The image should have no text.

Decide which of the following sports can be the most beneficial in achieving cardiovascular fitness.

a. soccer**
b. baseball
c. football
d. golf

I agree with your answer.

Thank you I got it correct

Answers for Lesson 2: Cardiovascular Training in OCA!

1. C
2. the heart
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. oxygen

I'm an 8th grader, and this is definitely the right answer!

thank you so much these are 100% correct !!!!:))

100% THANKS :)

100% trust ONLY Sayaka Miki


Idk what to say exept stop cheating

sayaka is 10000000% correct thanks

Glooks Kiddo :)

Add Me Onna Gram @ihoop20k TO join connexus group chat giving answers out to most of test and quizzes

thx so much miki

What about the Sem A test?

^^^ yeah what about Sem A Test

Sayaka is 100% right thnks!

1. C

2. The heart
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. Oxygen

what is the formula for finding your maximum heart rate?

A. 220- your age
B. 220+ your age
C. 220* your age
D. 220/ your age
i need help plz
and i need the whole final exam
Lesson 1: Final exam
PHYS ED I 3542 Unit 4: Final exam

Big boy the answer is 220-your age


it is 220 - your age

thanks you for the 220-you age, I wouldve out 220/your age smh



1. Mowing the lawn

2. heart
3.20-30 minutes
4.220- your age
8.weight machine

Thank you so much for that, I only needed help on 2 of the questions. So I just looked at those ones... It was hard though because I had to just look at the numbers instead of the letters. I don't cheat I was just confused XD

@jesus agreed! but idk how we would achieve that bc we would have to put socials lol