Which was the major result of the Homestead Act of 1862?

A)increased public awareness of the need for conservation of natural resources
B)increased development of Western Lands
C)decreased conflicts between Native Americans and white settlers
D)decreased economic opportunities for easterners

Answer as soon as possible! Thanks!

***My answer is B

You're right!

Thank you, but I have more questions here is one of them

Which of the following did the Populist Party believe would solve U.S economic problems?

A)currency reforms
B)saving banks
C)new policies on Native Americans
D)renewed immigration policies

My answer is C

And what do you think? What was the big issue for the Populists? What does your text say?

No, it's not C.


I just reread the text is the answer B?

or is it A

I change my mind, its A

is A correct? Reed?

I'm not reed, but I think A is correct. Even if it isn't, you thought about it, redid the question and put your answer in. If I am wrong, you can go over that subject and I will too.

Lol this was posted in 2018 and I'm looking at this in 2020

that's funny because I am looking at this in 2022

sameeeee, for me, IRK's post was 6 hours ago lol

that’s even more funny bc i’m looking at this in 2023