You are a speaker in a school's debate on the topic "boys should not help in the kitchen" write your speech for or against the motion

What is your position?


Against for the motion

Against the motion

im against the motion

Answer to me

For the motion


17 years

No because I can't leave my work and come home to cook for my children so female must Always be in the kitchen for his husband and children

Answer it for me

Against the motion

Against the motion


Against the motion


Am against the motion


Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today to firmly and totally oppose the statement that "boys should not help in the kitchen." The kitchen is the heart of a home and it's an important place for all members of a family, regardless of gender. All members of a family should take part in making meals, cleaning up, and enjoying the benefits of sitting down together for a meal.

Firstly, cooking is a skill that should be learned by all. It's an essential life skill that every person should possess, and there are no gender limitations to acquiring it. Anyone who knows how to cook has the ability to prepare a healthy and delicious meal for themselves and for others. Young boys should learn how to cook from an early age as it will serve as a helpful tool throughout their life.

Secondly, cooking can be a bonding experience for families. Regardless of gender, everyone who is capable of standing in the kitchen, holding a knife, or cradling a spatula can come together to cook a meal. Preparing a meal together can create a shared experience that enhances family relationships.

Moreover, the idea of traditional gender roles in the kitchen is outdated. Women are no longer bound to the kitchen, nor should boys be restricted from it. The idea that men or boys are not meant to cook or that cooking is a 'feminine activity' is just a stereotype. Everyone, regardless of gender, should be able to interact with the kitchen as they please.

Finally, cooking should be seen as a valuable life skill that prepares young boys for independence. Cooking and taking care of themselves is essential for their personal growth and development. Boys must learn to take care of themselves and others. A man who can cook and take care of his responsibilities in the household will make a better partner, husband, and father.

Therefore, I strongly oppose the motion that "boys should not help in the kitchen." Cooking is an essential life skill, and everyone should be encouraged to learn it. Breaking traditional gender roles and expanding our idea of what constitutes a gender-appropriate activity in the kitchen is vital. Teaching young boys to cook will prepare them well for life ahead, enabling them to be successful and independent.

Thank you.

Against the motion

Boys should not help in the kitchen

Y should boys not help in the kitchen