What is a major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty?

the development of a writing system

B. yes
the construction of the Great Wall

the invention of paper

the technique of rice farming

Again -- depend on your text and/or Google searches:


r u kidding me-

are you sure the answer is A?

It might be B.

Write teacher whats the point in answering if you don't know the answer

1 - legalism goes with the one that says strong laws

and mandate of heaven goes with the one that has the word nature on it
2 -d
5-rice farming
I took it and I got 100%

fye is right. I got 100%.

thx andra

fye is 100% right!

Fye is right I got a 100!!!!!

fye is 100% correct

fye is right

ay thanks from 3 years later!