Modeling Mutations Quick Check PLEASE HELP

1. The protein that carries oxygen in our blood is known as(1 point)


messenger RNA.

amino acid.


2.Which statement accurately describes sickle cell anemia?(1 point)

It emerges in humans without the influence of DNA.

It emerges in humans without the influence of mRNA.

It affects transcription and translation in humans.

It affects the functions of red blood cells of humans.

3.How are DNA and mRNA related?(1 point)

If there has been a mutation in DNA, the mRNA will not change.

mRNA is used as a template to make DNA.

DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.

If there has been a mutation in mRNA, the DNA will not change

Modeling Mutations Quick Check
4 of 4Items
Item 4
Three-letter segments of mRNA always signal specific (1 point)



amino acids.

sickle cells.



connections acadamy

can someone help us?!?!

1: hemoglobin.

2-4 idk

yall have anymore answers?!

cant yall go to the lesson and read again and this time take notes

1. Hemoglobin

2.It affects the functions of red blood cells of humans.
3.DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.
4.Amino acids
Those are 100% correct btw its is for connexus students
I hope this helps


Correct is 100% right

correct is right he got me a 100%

Correct is 100% "correct"

If you are a connections student. Use this to check your work. trust me it will save you in the long run and I learned it the hard way. Don't get me wrong though, I would still change the answers if they are wrong but, I would try to answer them all first....

bonququi out

Correct is right

"Correct" is 100% well Correct! LOL XD

Thank you!

why does @UFH have 14 downvotes. This proves how lazy the people in this thread are. And before you say "0h BuT WhAt ABoUt YOu" I just came here for one answer.

Y’all I need the answer for this one in 2022 it’s question 4 (What statement about mutations in a population is true? (1 point)

O Mutations are the original source of new variations in a population.
O Mutations that are beneficial are the only ones inherited when an organism reproduces.
O Mutations from dominant alleles are always favored in a population.
O Mutations are harmful and prevent an organism from developing properly.

correct is 100%

The protein that carries oxygen in our blood is known as?

1. Hemoglobin.

Which statement accurately describes sickle cell anemia?
2. It affects the functions of red blood cells of humans.

How are DNA and mRNA related?
3. DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.

What statement about mutations in a population is true?
4. Mutations are the original source of new variations in a population.

Hope this helps<3

correct is correct