Which description defines a claim? a fact that supports an idea a

Which description defines a claim?

a fact that supports an idea

a statement that explains a point of view

an opinion based on facts

an assertion that something is true

whats the answer

i need the answers

an assertion that something is true

Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.

Apples provide a variety of health benefits.


reasons and evidence

I got the answers


@mm @deez

100šŸ¤© thanks your answers

Answers To Claims Reasons and Evidence Quick Check 7A

100% Promise <3

@your answers is right

don't listen to these two

The answers are:

1: An assertion that something is true

2: Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.

3: Apples provide a variety of health benefits.

4: Persuasive

5: Reasons and Evidence

The person above me is sus

I have come across as mean, in several posts. I do not mean to be mean, I am merely stating the truth. However, truth comes with questions. Why do we shorten words? Are all people dumb? Why do people act dumb? The answers vary, which annoys the living daylights out of me. Why do we spread untruths, when we know they are not true? One of Shakespeare's most famous plays is Macbeth. His play is untruth, changed, and people now believe that Macbeth was never king, but in fact he was. He reigned for 17 long, and peaceful years. I think that he passed away, and that is why he only lasted 17 years. Untruths are everywhere, and we must search for the truth, instead of believing the easiest version.

Why does Jiskha change words, delete them, like stupid?

I mean if you think about it mm could be right he just doesn't understand that they change the answer around so lets not show mm hate because he could be right.

The answers for the Claims, Reasons and Evidence Quick Check are:

1: An assertion that something is true

2: Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.

3: Apples provide a variety of health benefits.

4: Persuasive

Just a heads up, there is no 5th question

theres a fith question tho-

1: An assertion that something is true

2: Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.

3: Apples provide a variety of health benefits.

4: Persuasive

5:Reasons and evidence

Thanks You guys so much!

thx @your answers your 100% correct

Thanks was able to check my answers great job those posting the entire answer and leading off with the questions the alphabet answers donā€™t work anymore. The tests automatically mix them up.

Thanks to (All Might help child) got me a 100%

yes I got 100% thanks!

mm is wrong i got 1/5 :/

@Ghost I donā€™t mean to be rude but how is that related to anything?

(Iā€™m starting to forget how to spell I was stuck on how to spell mean correctly for a lil whilešŸ¤ššŸ½šŸ˜­)

100% -2022 to 2023- Claims, Reasons and Evidence Quick Check/ ELA unit 8, lesson 6 /

1.Which description defines a claim?
A.an assertion that something is true

2.How are reasons different from evidence?
C.Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.

3.Which statement is a strong claim?
C.Apples provide a variety of health benefits.

4.Writing that tries to convince others to agree with your opinion on a topic is which kind of writing?

for the 5th one it is reasons and evidence

Dog and bb 31 is right nov 2022

f all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got all my answera rong!!!!!!!!!!

im just joking gott 100%


follow me yall

im black n fine
k kmoneydabrat

1. relevant ; sufficient

2. Is directly related to the claim
3. A statement that represents the speakerā€™s position or opinion

I apologize, but I will need more context to provide accurate answers. Can you please provide more information or specify which questions you are referring to?

You guys gave me 0/5 now I have a c in this class donā€™t listen to any of theese people they are all wrong

The real answers are
D- an assertion
A- reasons justify
C- apples provide
A- persuasive
B- reasons and evidence
Youā€™re welcome


1. An assertion that something is true
2. Reasons justify a point of view, while evidence supports an idea.
3. Apples provide a variety of health benefits
4. Persuasive
5. Reasons and evidence