Select the correct answer from the list.(2 points)

Vegetation management and beach nourishment are both
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alternative strategies for managing beach erosion. Vegetation management helps by bringing more
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to the shore. Beach nourishment helps by bringing more
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to the beach.

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1. Select the correct answer from the list.

Vegetation management and beach nourishment are both SOFT alternative strategies for managing beach erosion. Vegetation management helps by bringing more PLANTS to the shore. Beach nourishment helps by bringing more SAND to the beach.
2. Drag each word or phrase into the correct location to tell if it describes coconut coir logs, jetties, or both.
a. jetties- can be built farther out into the ocean
b. coconut coir logs- biodegradable, allow for plant growth
c. both- shoreline structures, protect shorelines
3. How are jetties and groins similar in how they manage beach erosion?
Both are hard structures that keep sand on the beach.
100% i promise

person boi is correct i got a 100% thank you

person boi is 100% right

person boi is 100% correct, I got a 100%

Yall from connexus lol me to

me three

thx ma boi

They are right thank you.

person boi still based and factual

Why are people disliking person bois answers? Do yall hate free 100s? Do yall hate getting any action too??



Still correct as of post date

Person boi is right March 2023

@person boi is Correct fr lol

person boi is still correct in 2023

Thanks guys this helps a ton

Mannnnn i love cheatin :)))))

so everyone here is from connections academy right

:) anyways person boi is correct as of 2023

How do beach nourishment and vegetation management differ in the ways they manage beach erosion?(1 point)

Only beach nourishment provides protection from floods.

Only beach nourishment uses a hard structure to manage erosion.

Only vegetation management brings in plants to keep sand on beaches.

Only vegetation management replaces sand on the beach.

None of the options are completely correct. Here's the correct answer: Beach nourishment adds sand to eroded beaches to prevent or reduce the impact of erosion, while vegetation management involves planting vegetation on or near beaches to help hold sand in place and reduce erosion.