quadrilateral 4cm 6cm 9cm 5cm. Find the area of the quadrilateral. (1 point) Responses 24 cm2 24 cm squared 54 cm2 54 cm squared 60 cm2 60 cm squared 30 cm2

To find the area of a quadrilateral, you can divide it into two triangles and then find the area of each triangle separately.

Let's divide the quadrilateral into two triangles by drawing a diagonal. This diagonal will create two right triangles.

First triangle:
Base = 6 cm
Height = 4 cm
Area = 1/2 * base * height = 1/2 * 6 * 4 = 12 cm2

Second triangle:
Base = 5 cm
Height = 9 cm
Area = 1/2 * base * height = 1/2 * 5 * 9 = 22.5 cm2

Total area of the quadrilateral = Area of first triangle + Area of second triangle = 12 cm2 + 22.5 cm2 = 34.5 cm2

Therefore, the area of the quadrilateral is 34.5 cm2.

pick a answer i put

In that case, the closest answer to 34.5 cm2 is 30 cm2. So, you can choose the answer "30 cm2" for the area of the quadrilateral.

quadrilateral 7in 6in 16in 10in. What is the area of the quadrilateral? (1 point) Responses 96 in.2 96 in. squared 91 in.2 91 in. squared 78 in.2 78 in. squared 39 in.2

To find the area of the quadrilateral, we can again divide it into two triangles and then find the area of each triangle separately.

Side lengths of the quadrilateral: 7in, 6in, 16in, 10in

Diagonal of the quadrilateral = 10in (calculated using Pythagorean theorem)

Now, let's find the area of each triangle formed by the diagonal:

Triangle 1:
Base = 7in
Height = 6in
Area = 1/2 * base * height = 1/2 * 7 * 6 = 21 in2

Triangle 2:
Base = 16in
Height = 10in
Area = 1/2 * base * height = 1/2 * 16 * 10 = 80 in2

Total area of the quadrilateral = Area of Triangle 1 + Area of Triangle 2 = 21 in2 + 80 in2 = 101 in2

Therefore, the area of the quadrilateral is 101 in2. None of the provided options match this exact value so it is not included as a choice.

pick one i put

Based on the provided options, the closest answer to 101 in2 is 96 in.2, so you can choose "96 in.2" as your answer for the area of the quadrilateral.

quadrilateral 24cm 10cm 20cm What is the area of the quadrilateral? (1 point) Responses 480 cm2 480 cm squared 220 cm2 220 cm squared 240 cm2 240 cm squared 460 cm2 460 cm squared

In order to calculate the area of the quadrilateral given sides 24 cm, 10 cm, and 20 cm, additional information is needed to determine the shape of the quadrilateral or the measures of its angles.

Without further information, it's not possible to determine the area of the quadrilateral as the sides given do not specify a unique quadrilateral shape.

just gess

Based on the options provided and guessing without additional information about the shape of the quadrilateral, we can calculate the area using the Heron's formula for triangles.

Given the side lengths of 24 cm, 10 cm, and 20 cm, we can calculate the semi-perimeter as s = (24 + 10 + 20) / 2 = 27 cm.

Then, we can use Heron's formula where A is the area of the triangle:

A = √[s(s-24)(s-10)(s-20)]
A = √[27*(27-24)*(27-10)*(27-20)]
A = √[27*3*17*7]
A = √(27*3*17*7)
A = √(3213)
A ≈ 56.703 cm²

This is just an estimation based on the given sides. None of the provided options specifically match this value, but the closest option would be 240 cm2 (240 cm squared), so you can choose "240 cm2" as your guess for the area of the quadrilateral.