Create an appealing image illustrating the geometric process of solving a mathematical problem involving a cone. The specific cone in question has a base diameter of 8cm and a height of 3cm. Firstly, depict the calculation of the volume of the cone using mathematical symbols. Then, show the application of Pythagoras theorem to calculate its slant height. Following that, illustrate the calculation of the curved surface area of the cone. Lastly, show the cone being cut and opened out into a sector of a circle, with an undetermined angle symbolized.

a paper cone has a base diameter of 8cm and a height of 3cm.calculate the volume of the cone in terms of pie and make a sketch of the cone and hence use Pythagoras theorem to calculate its slant height and calculate the curve surface area of the cone in terms of pie and if the cone is cut and open out into the sector of a circle. what is the angle of the sector

Radius of base = 4 cm, height = 3 cm

Volume = (1/3)π(4^2)(3) = 16π cm^3

slant height --- s
s^2 = 4^2 + 3^2
s = 5 , (did your recognize the standard 3-4-5 right angled triangle?)

So the radius of the sector is 5 and the arclength is the circumference of the base of the cone.

Circumference of base = arc of sector = 8π cm
circumference of circle containing our sector = 10π cm, so the area of the sector is 4/5 the area of the big circle
area of sector = (4/5)π(5^2) = 20π cm^2

Of course I could have just used the formula
lateral area of cone = πrl, where r is the radius of the cone and l is the slant height
= π(4)(5) = 20π

for the sector angle:
sector-angle/360 = 8π/10π = 4/5
sector angle = 288°

check my arithmetic


good solving, they are actually the answers

WOW,I think i understand it better now

Nice workings

The diagram to the slant height

🖒9 👎1

Amazing I♥️♥️it

I don't understand

Wow I wish I am a mathematician

Thanks for the solution. The diagram would have make it clearer and a split of the question into (a) -(d)

Please show your working

I dont understand it

Sure! Can you specify which question or problem you need help with?

a) Volume=⅓πr²h

b)By Pythagoras
3²+4²= l²
9+16= l²
l= 5cm.
c) Curved Surface Area=πrl

To determine the angle of the sector when the cone is cut and opened out into the sector of a circle, we can use the ratio between the circumference of the base of the cone and the circumference of the circle.

The circumference of the base of the cone is equal to the circumference of the sector.

The circumference of the base of the cone is given by:
Circumference = 2πr = 2π(4) = 8π cm

The circumference of the circle containing the sector is given by:
Circumference = 2πr' = 2π(5) = 10π cm

The angle of the sector is equal to the ratio of the circumference of the base of the cone to the circumference of the circle containing the sector, multiplied by 360 degrees.

Angle of sector = (Circumference of cone / Circumference of circle) * 360 degrees
= (8π / 10π) * 360 degrees
= (4/5) * 360 degrees
= 288 degrees

Therefore, the angle of the sector is 288 degrees.