Create a visually engaging and meaningful image that embodies the idea of concluding a narrative. This can feature an open book with sand trickling down, symbolizing the passage of time in the story. A quill can be resting at the end of the sentence, symbolizing the end of the narrative. A reflective mirror can be positioned near the book, representing the character's reflection on the events. Finally, a flourishing plant or budding flower can denote the growth of a character over the course of the story. Ensure all these elements flow seamlessly to avoid creating a confusing composition.

Writing a Conclusion Quick Check

1. What is a conclusion?
1A. a final paragraph in a narrative that flows logically from the events in the story

2. Which element should a writer leave out of a conclusion?
2A. new information or a plot twist

3. if a story presents a problem, a strong conclusion provides a ______
3A. Solution

4. What is a reflection?
4A. when a character looks back and comments on the events and experiences from the narrative

5. Which word describes how a character changes or matures from experiences in the story?
5A. growth

The answers for the writing a conclusion quick Check:

1:A summary section

2:It should maintain the style of the essay

3: so keeping a library is a great way to encourage you and your loved ones' love of reading

4:a CONCLUSION comes at the end of the essay. It should RESTATE The main claim and SUMMARIZE important ideas used to support the claim.

These were the correct answers for my quick check, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to. Have a good day. ;)

King cheif is 100% correct 2021

Did your teacher skip LA lessons? If so, which ones? My LA for semester one bleed into semester two and my teacher still hasn't skipped lessons. Real annoying.

kingcheif is right thanks:)

noodles is 100% correcttt

Noodles is correct

Noodles :) is right <3

It has five questions, he's not right

@anonymous there is another quick check that 8th graders have. It the “writing a conclusion” lesson 9 unit 8 it’s different for everyone I think it depends on the state your in

Anonymous, look at Noodles answer's they are 100% correct!

1. Answer: A final paragraph in a Naritive that flows logically from the events in the story.
2. Answer: New information or a plot twist.
3. Answer: Solution.
4. Answer: When a character looks back and comments on the events and experiences from the Narrative.
5. Answer: Growth.

These are answer's for grade 8, Conexus academy, 100% correct, hope you have a great day everyone!!

TheAnimeCheeto is right, take my word for it!

TheAnimeCheeta is 80% correct for ELA grade 8, Writing a conclusion quick check, growth is wrong for me, 80% however is a B, i'll will take it.

TheAnimeCheeto Is 100% right

animecheeta is correct guess yeesh did it wrong on the quick check

TheAnimeCheeto is 100% correct

@TheAnimeCheeto is right thx I did it for my sis and I thx soooo much

c, d, d, c

remember you're worth it 💕

theanimecheeto is right 100%

The answers for the writing a conclusion quick Check:

1:A summary section

2:It should maintain the style of the essay

3: so keeping a library is a great way to encourage you and your loved ones' love of reading

4:a CONCLUSION comes at the end of the essay. It should RESTATE The main claim and SUMMARIZE important ideas used to support the claim.

These were the correct answers for my quick check, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to. Have a good day. ;)

@animecheeto was right for me. thanks for the help i wasn't sure about some of my answers

TheAnimeCheeto is correct


Noodles is right