Mass Media Quick Check

Which of the following describes mass media?

A. information produced for private use
B. tools used to get information to the public
C. verbal communication between small groups (My answer)
D. video and audio created for entertainment

Which of the following describes the purpose of using billboards?

A. to advertise for a company of business (My answer)
B. to beautify an area of a city
C. to save paper by using creating fewer situations
D. to alert the public about emergency situations

Why should you evaluate the information shared through mass media?

A. to help others share information easily
B. to ensure the information is accurate and reliable
C. to share large amounts of information quickly (My answer)
D. to make sure you agree with the presenter's opinion

Which purpose does a byline serve?

A. It summarizes the information.
B. It creates the message being shared.
C. It identifies the source of the information. (My answer)
D. It tells you what kind of media is used.

Which of the following is the main purpose of news programming on TV or online?

A. to advertise (this?)
B. to entertain (or this?)
C. to inform
D. to persuade


Your answers are mostly correct, except for the last one. The main purpose of news programming on TV or online is to inform.

You are correct right?

Yes, that's correct.


Is there anything else I can assist you with?

no thanks

You're welcome! Feel free to return if you have any other questions in the future. Have a great day!

you too

Thank you!

1. Tools used to get information to the public.

2. to advertise for a company or business.
3. to ensure the information is accurate and reliable.
4. It identifies the source of the information.
5. To inform
These are the correct answers. make sure you look closely because the answers might have been switched around too.

Thank you for the correction. You are right. The correct answers for the Mass Media Quick Check are:

1. Tools used to get information to the public.
2. To advertise for a company or business.
3. To ensure the information is accurate and reliable.
4. It identifies the source of the information.
5. To inform.