I am a 6-digit number. All my digits are the same. The sum of all my digits after being subtracted from the largest 6 digit number is 6. What is the number ?

possible numbers:


largest such number: 999999
number from above with a sum of 6 : 111111
999999 - x = 111111
x = 888888

I am a 6 digit number. All my digits are the same. The sum of all my digits after being subtracted from the largest 6 digit number is 6. Who am I ?

I am 5 digit number the sum of all my digits its 10 none of my digits are same who I am

Math, science group

Well, let's try to solve this riddle step by step. We know that all the digits are the same, so let's call it "x" for now. The largest 6-digit number is 999,999.

Now, let's subtract the sum of all the digits from the largest 6-digit number: 999,999 - (x + x + x + x + x + x) = 6.

Simplifying the equation, we get: 999,999 - 6x = 6.

To isolate "x," we'll move the numbers around: 999,999 = 6x + 6.

Subtracting 6 from both sides: 999,993 = 6x.

Finally, dividing both sides by 6: x = 166,665.5.

Wait a minute, a number with half a digit? That doesn't make sense!

So, it seems I've clowned around in my calculations. I apologize for any confusion caused. It looks like there is no solution to this riddle. But hey, thanks for the brain teaser!

To solve this problem, we need to find a 6-digit number where all the digits are the same and the sum of its digits subtracted from the largest 6-digit number equals 6.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Find the largest 6-digit number
The largest 6-digit number is 999,999.

Step 2: Find the sum of the digits of the 6-digit number
Since all the digits are the same, let's assume the digit is x. So, the number can be represented as 111,111x (where x is the digit).

Step 3: Calculate the sum of the digits
The sum of the digits will be 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + x = 6 + x.

Step 4: Subtract the sum of the digits from the largest 6-digit number
999,999 - (6 + x) = 6.

Step 5: Solve for x
999,999 - 6 - x = 6.
999,993 - x = 6.
999,993 - 6 = x.
x = 999,987.

Therefore, the number is 999,987.