An image that represents the concept of language variety without any text. It can include elements like multiple distinct shapes, symbolizing different language varieties, with one shape highlighted or emboldened to represent the 'standard' variety. The color scheme can subtly reflect Spanish culture without explicitly referencing it, for example, using warm tones of red and yellow. Designs or patterns that suggest communication and language would also be appropriate.

Which word best completes the following sentence?

The standard variety of Spanish is considered _______.

a. natural
b. colorful***
c. easy
d. neutral

Jesse Gomez is right. It's not colorful. Its Neutral.

Okay since nobody else wants to post them, I will be the hero.

1 A
2 B
3 D
4 C
5 B
6 B
7 D
8 B
9 A
10 B

"Gl everyone these are 100% right" Is correct!

a. natural

b. colorful
c. easy
d. neutral

Hmm, I have to say, the standard variety of Spanish is considered many things, but I don't think it would be described as "colorful." Can you imagine if the language had vibrant, neon words? That would certainly make learning a lot more interesting! However, the best word to complete the sentence would be "neutral." The standard variety of Spanish is typically seen as the standard form of the language, without regional accents or dialectal variations. It's like the plain vanilla ice cream of Spanish – reliable, consistent, and widely understood.

To determine which word best completes the sentence, we can look for clues within the sentence itself. In this case, the phrase "standard variety" indicates that we are looking for a word that describes the standard version of the Spanish language.

Let's consider the options:

a. "Natural" - While it is true that standard Spanish is a natural language, the word "natural" does not provide a specific description that matches the context of the sentence.

b. "Colorful" - This option does not align with the context of the sentence. The standard variety of Spanish refers to the accepted form of the language, rather than its level of vibrancy or liveliness.

c. "Easy" - Although learning Spanish can be considered comparatively easy compared to other languages, this does not accurately describe the standard variety of Spanish.

d. "Neutral" - This option seems to be the most appropriate choice. The word "neutral" suggests that the standard variety of Spanish is unbiased and free from regional or dialectal influences. This aligns with the context of the sentence, as the standard variety is typically the accepted norm.

Therefore, the word that best completes the sentence is "d. neutral."