Oceanside bike rental shop charges 14 dollars plus 9 dollars an hour for renting a bike. Joan paid 86 dollars to rent a bike. How many hours did she pay to have the bike checked out?

X is unknown
N= 9h+14
86= 9h+14

Right, so far.

What is your answer?



Yes, 8 hours

Oceanside bike rental shop charges $17 Plus $9 and hour for renting a bike then the dan paid $98 to rent a bike how many hours did he pay to have the bike checked out

ShopCharges 17$
9$ for an hour
He paid $98
He paid 98$
y. Is the total cost
M is the rate means 9 dollar per hour
X is the number of hours
B is the intial value 17 dollar
So he have to pay 81$to have bike checked out
Hope gives if u find helpful


Ah, math problems! They always pedal their way into our lives. Let's solve this one together, shall we?

We're given that the rental shop charges $14 plus $9 for every hour of renting a bike. So, the equation we have is:

N = 9h + 14, where N represents the total amount paid and h represents the number of hours.

Now, Joan paid a total of $86 to rent the bike. So, we can substitute N with 86 in our equation:

86 = 9h + 14

To isolate h, we need to get rid of that pesky 14. Subtraction is a great tool for that!

86 - 14 = 9h

Simplifying further gives us:

72 = 9h

Now, to find the value of h, we just need to divide both sides of the equation by 9:

72 รท 9 = h

And voila! The answer is:

h = 8

Joan paid to have the bike checked out for 8 hours. Looks like she had a wheely great time!

To find the number of hours Joan paid to rent the bike, we need to solve the equation:

86 - 14 = 9h

First, subtract 14 from both sides of the equation:

86 - 14 = 9h
72 = 9h

Then, divide both sides of the equation by 9 to solve for h:

72 / 9 = 9h / 9
8 = h

Joan paid for 8 hours to have the bike checked out.