Visualize an image showcasing the notable differences between early New Guineans and Australia's first people without including any text. The image could include scenes of early New Guineans engaging in farming activities, as they were among the first to discover farming while the first Australians engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering. Also, illustrate a representation of the diversity among New Guineans indicating hundreds of distinct ethnic groups. On one side of the image, depict early New Guineans migrating to the Pacific region from another part of the world to symbolize their journey.

How were early New Guineans different from Australia’s first people?

They were among the first people to discover farming.***

They lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering.

They were divided into hundreds of distinct ethnic groups.

They migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world.


3.Australia and New Zealand,
World war 1 occurs,
British recognizes Australia and New
Zealand become dominions,
Australia and New Zealand become
6. is chosen by the elected
9. water and air pollution
16-19 write your own

Connexus 6th grade? Here's the answers for 16-19 (copy them and change it, so no one gets in caught)

16: Geography affected how cultures developed because of its physical features, such as landforms and climate.

17: The governments of Australia and the Pacific islands are similar because they are both independent. Australia is a federation, while the Pacific Islands are apart of unitary state.

18: The effect of the development of long-distance navigation skills by the Polynesians was the formation of long voyages across the ocean. And since the, they've been using the Polynesians' navigations.

19: Their reserch three goals : to understand the region and its ecosystems; to understand its effects of global processes such as climate; and to use the region as a platform to study the upper atmosphere and space.

what are the answers to the test

Just took the test the answers are

1. A. They were among the first people to discover farming.

2. B.the Māori suffered a loss of population and decline in power.

3.Move British recognizes Australia up 1

4.D. it’s extremely dry climate makes farming difficult.

5. A. they have developed national pidgin languages.

6. Is chosen by the elected parliament

7. C. The forced assimilation of aborigines

8. C. many islands have limited fertile land

9. Water and air pollution

10. A. People on most pacific islands are indigenous

11. D. Slowing climate change

12. A. The Māori had Chiefs

13. B. Some islands are at risk of disappearing

14. B. Antarctica is barren with little vegetation

15. C. A British captain explored the pacific islands


Hello is 99% correct. 11 is slowing climate change. I was kind of of happy hello is still kinda right so listen to him :)

that cant be right the second answer is move the scentences around it isn't multiple choice sooo...

Thx Hello

🙏god bless you and have a great day🙏

Someone say all of the answers!

Question three answers are

Australia and New Zealand become dominions
World war I occurs
British recognizes Australia and New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand become independent countries
That's all I got man

B then?