Visualize an abstract setting with a variety of rectangles in different lengths and breadths, arranged artistically. Mix in symmetrical patterns and soft colors for a pleasing appearance. Focus on one rectangle in the middle that's slightly longer on one side, representing the problem but without specific measurements. Keep the image as abstract and non-textual, making sure not to include any measurements or numerical details within the image.

The length of a rectangle is 5cm longer than the its breadth. Find the length and breadth if the perimeter is 26 cm

L = Length

B = Breadth

The length of a rectangle is 5 cm longer than the its breadth mean:

L = B + 5

P = 2 L + 2 B

P = 2 ( L + B )

Replace L with B + 5 inn this equation

P = 2 ( B + 5 + B )

P = 2 ∙ ( 2 B + 5 )

26 = 4 B + 10

Subtract 10 to both sides

16 = 4 B

Divide both sides by 4

4 = B

B = 4 cm

L = 4 + 5

L = 9 cm

P = 2 ( L + B )

P = 2 ∙ ( 4 + 9 )

P = 2 ∙ 13

P = 26 cm

Thanks, i actually mistook the perimeter formula to be P= L+B

Thanks slot,I was really have a tough time with it



A woman covers (4x+1)km distance in 5 hours by cycle. If her speed is (x-2)km per hour.Find distance travelled.

To find the length and breadth of the rectangle, we need to set up an equation using the given information.

Let's assume the breadth of the rectangle is 'x' cm. According to the problem, the length is 5 cm longer than the breadth, so it can be expressed as (x + 5) cm.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula: P = 2(l + b), where P is the perimeter, l is the length, and b is the breadth.

So, in this case, we have:
P = 26 cm,
l = (x + 5) cm, and
b = x cm.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:
26 = 2[(x + 5) + x]

Now, we can simplify the equation and solve for 'x'.

26 = 2(2x + 5)
26 = 4x + 10
16 = 4x
x = 4

Now that we have the value of 'x' as 4, we can substitute it back into the expressions to find the length and breadth.

Length = x + 5 = 4 + 5 = 9 cm
Breadth = x = 4 cm

Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 9 cm, and the breadth is 4 cm.