How was the diet of Native American tribes in western Washington state different from the diet of eastern tribes?

A. Western tribes ate more berries than eastern tribes did.
B. Western tribes ate more seafood such as clams.
C. Western tribes hunted more large game such as elk and moose.
D. Western tribes dried the berries they gathered.



Washington State history! I did that last year! :)

western tribes ate more seafood, such as clams

fishing with nets, hunting small game

they demonstrated great skill in carving canoes

both were hunter gatherer societies.

<3 Make sure to drink water!! its great for your skin, helps with acne, and headaches.

They are right I got 100%

I say its B

Ur right 100% tysm

100% YAY!

How was the diet of Native American tribes in western Washington State different from the diet of eastern tribes?

Western tripes ate more seafood such as clams.

which of the following are ways that ancient Native Americans in Washington obtained food? select all that apply.
1 fishing with nets.

3 hunting small game.

why were canoe carvers highly respected by coastal Native Americans?

they demonstrated great skill in carving canoes.

how were the coastal and plateau tribes similar?

both were hunter/gatherer societies.


You are correct! Good job!

To determine how the diet of Native American tribes in western Washington state was different from the diet of eastern tribes, we can look into the historical records and studies on Native American cultures in the region.

One of the key differences in the diet between western and eastern tribes of Washington state was their reliance on different food sources due to geographical variations.

While it is important to note that specific diets varied among tribes within each region, generally speaking, the following differences can be observed:

A. Western tribes ate more berries than eastern tribes did.
Berries were a significant part of the diet for many tribes in western Washington state. The region's abundant forested areas provided a variety of berries, including huckleberries, salal berries, and blackberries. These berries were often gathered and consumed in different ways, such as eating them fresh or drying them for later use.

B. Western tribes ate more seafood such as clams.
Due to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean and the various river systems, the western tribes had greater access to seafood compared to the eastern tribes. Shellfish like clams, oysters, and mussels were an important part of their diet, providing a rich source of protein and nutrients.

C. Western tribes hunted more large game such as elk and moose.
In western Washington state, where forests were more prevalent, tribes had greater access to large game such as elk and moose. Hunting these animals provided a source of meat, which supplemented their diet. The availability of larger game animals allowed for a different variety of protein sources compared to the eastern tribes, who often hunted smaller game like deer.

D. Western tribes dried the berries they gathered.
To preserve the berries for longer periods, the western tribes often dried the berries they gathered. Drying berries allowed them to store and consume them during times when fresh berries were scarce. This practice helped ensure a more consistent food supply throughout the year.

It is essential to recognize that these generalizations might not apply to every single tribe or community in western and eastern Washington state. Native American tribes had diverse cultures, traditions, and diets based on their specific geographical locations, available resources, and individual traditions passed down through generations.

X3 is correct for the " Native American Cultures " assignment.