Create a vibrant historic scene. Within the scene, bring visual elements to represent four major historical events. First, depict a king and a religious figure in an argument, to signify the conflict between a monarch and the pope. Secondly, illustrate a ruler standing at a boundary, selecting between two religious symbols, to reflect the Peace of Augsburg. Thirdly, showcase two different religious communities co-existing peacefully, as a representation of the Edict of Nantes. Finally, show a naval war scene with defeated ships, to symbolize the Battle of the Spanish Armada.

Why did Henry VIII come into conflict with the pope? The pope refused to annul Henry's marriage and allow him to remarry.

Which of the following did the Peace of Augsburg accomplish? It allowed German rulers to choose the religion of their states.

Why was the Edict of Nantes important? It made Catholicism the religion of France but allowed Huguenot's freedom of religion.

Which of the following was the result of the Battle of the Spanish Armada? Spanish domination of the seas came to an end.

I got 100% from @100% N/A. TYSM

Q 1. Why did Henry VIII come into conflict with the pope?
A 1. The pope refused to annul Henry's marriage and allow him to remarry.

Q 2. Which of the following did the Peace of Augsburg accomplish?
A 2. It allowed German rulers to choose the religion of their states.

Q 3. Why was the Edict of Nantes important?
A 3. It made Catholicism the religion of France but allowed Huguenot's freedom of religion.

Q 4. Which of the following was the result of the Battle of the Spanish Armada?
A 4. Spanish domination of the seas came to an end.

I got 100%

les go 100%

100% correct!!

are they right


thanks broski 100%

You are Welcome😉

100% thanks!

Anonymous is right, 100% :D