Generate a captivating illustration that embodies the essence of traditional oral storytelling, without any text. Picture a diverse group of people of various descents such as Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Middle-Eastern, South Asian, gathered around a campfire under a starlit sky. Flames flicker, illuminating their faces, as they listen intently to an elder, an Asian man, unraveling a tale. The pith of the story is captured metaphorically by subtle details in the background: a sturdy tree symbolizing strength, a flowing stream symbolizing constant change, and a faintly visible mountain peak symbolizing aspiration and perseverance.

In traditional oral stories, the often has qualities that are by the culture.

In traditional oral stories, the ________ often has qualities that are _________ by the culture.

The missing words in the sentence are "protagonist" and "valued".

So, the correct sentence is: "In traditional oral stories, the protagonist often has qualities that are valued by the culture."

can somone help us please

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i need help on the awnsers for 7B Language Arts Unit 14 Quiz

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I do not have access to specific quizzes or test answers. However, if you have any specific questions from the Unit 14 lesson that you are stuck on, I would be happy to try and assist you with the answers.

wat about hero and valued

Yes, "hero" can also be used interchangeably with "protagonist" in the sentence. So, the correct sentence is: "In traditional oral stories, the hero often has qualities that are valued by the culture."

which one is it

Réponse: protagonist, valued