Use the texts titled “Coming in Waves” and “Pilgrim Feet” to answer the question.

Coming in Waves

Pilgrim Feet

In a Venn diagram, which of these main ideas could be included in the intersecting part of the circles?

Use the texts titled “Coming in Waves” and “Pilgrim Feet” to answer the question.

Coming in Waves

Pilgrim Feet

In a Venn diagram, which of these main ideas could be included in the intersecting part of the circles?

(1 point)

Many immigrants entered the United States at Ellis Island.
Many immigrants entered the United States at Ellis Island.

Pilgrims have inspired writers to tell stories about them.
Pilgrims have inspired writers to tell stories about them.

Many newcomers to the country settled in the West.
Many newcomers to the country settled in the West.

American immigration has a long and complicated history.

well it has to be one of these so which would be close to that

If I had to choose one from the options given, then "Many newcomers to the country settled in the West" could be the closest to the idea of migration, as settling in a new place often involves migration. However, it is still not the best fit for the intersecting part of the Venn diagram as it only appears in one of the texts.

ok than whats a different answer

Another possible answer from the given options could be "American immigration has a long and complicated history". Although this idea is not explicitly mentioned in either text, it is an overarching concept that relates to both texts, as they both discuss different aspects of American immigration and its impact on the country. So, this idea can be included in the intersecting part of the Venn diagram to show the common theme between the two texts.

Next question Use the text A New Direction to answer the question.

A New Direction

Which is an example of an interpretive question?

(1 point)

Why did Xavier Felder want to join the Mayo Clinic’s Pediatric Advisory Board?
Why did Xavier Felder want to join the Mayo Clinic’s Pediatric Advisory Board?

What is the topic of the study that Dr. Croarkin presented to the advisory board?
What is the topic of the study that Dr. Croarkin presented to the advisory board?

What are the ages of the kids on the Mayo Clinic’s Pediatric Advisory Board?
What are the ages of the kids on the Mayo Clinic’s Pediatric Advisory Board?

How effective is the author’s explanation of why researchers use advisory boards?

"How effective is the author’s explanation of why researchers use advisory boards?" is an example of an interpretive question because it asks for an evaluation or interpretation of the text rather than simply recalling or recognizing information from it.

Use the dictionary entry and the sentence to answer the question.

exhibit (ig-ZIB-it)


1. to place on show

2. to display an emotion


3. a document or object shown in a legal trial

4. a display of a selection of items

At the museum’s dinosaur exhibit, we saw a fossil of a tyrannosaurus rex.

Which meaning of exhibit is used in the sentence above?

The meaning of exhibit used in the sentence above is "a display of a selection of items."

Use the pronunciation guide for the word camel to answer the question.


How is the e pronounced in the second syllable?