Imagine that you are taking a course on how to use the internet describe three things you were doing in the course.

As an AI language model, I haven't taken any courses on how to use the internet. But I can suggest some possible things that may be included in such a course:

1. Learning about web browsers: One of the first things you may do in a course on internet usage is to learn about web browsers and their features. You may be introduced to popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, and learn how to use tabs, bookmarks, settings, and extensions.

2. Navigating websites: Once you know how to use a browser, you'll need to learn how to navigate the vast landscape of websites on the internet. You may learn how to browse sites, search for information using search engines like Google, and evaluate the credibility and validity of sources.

3. Basic online communication: Another important aspect of internet usage is communication. You may learn how to use email, social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and messaging services like Skype or WhatsApp. You may also learn about netiquette or online etiquette, which includes principles such as respecting others' privacy, avoiding spamming or trolling, and using appropriate language and tone.

In a course on how to use the internet, there are several key activities and concepts that you would typically explore. Here are three things you might do in such a course:

1. Introduction to Internet Basics:
- Start with the fundamentals of the internet, understanding how it works, and its importance in our daily lives.
- Learn about the different devices used to access the internet, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets.
- Explore the various types of internet connections available, including Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and wired connections.

2. Navigating the World Wide Web:
- Understand the concept of web browsers and learn about popular ones like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
- Discover the difference between search engines and explore how to use them effectively for finding information online.
- Practice visiting websites, understanding URL structures, and navigating through hyperlinks.

3. Online Communication and Collaboration:
- Familiarize yourself with various communication tools like email, social media platforms, and instant messaging apps.
- Learn about online safety and privacy, including setting strong passwords, identifying phishing attempts, and being cautious with sharing personal information online.
- Explore the concept of online collaboration, including file sharing, cloud storage, and using online productivity tools like Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online.

Note: This is a general outline of topics covered in a course on internet usage. The specific activities and curriculum might vary depending on the course and the level of expertise being taught.