Use the table to answer the question.

Height Above Canyon Floor Time (minutes)
360 0
280 3
160 10
80 14
Which statement best interprets the rate of change of the linear model shown in the table?

(1 point)

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of negative 20 feet per minute.

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of negative 20 feet per minute.
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The correct statement is: The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from the canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.

To determine the rate of change, we need to examine how the elevation changes with respect to time. Looking at the table, we can observe that as the time increases, the height above the canyon floor decreases.

Therefore, the hiker is descending from a higher elevation to the canyon floor. Since the change is negative, we can conclude that the elevation decreases at a rate of -20 feet per minute.

So, the correct statement is: The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of -20 feet per minute.

The correct statement that best interprets the rate of change of the linear model shown in the table is:

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute.

This means that the hiker's elevation decreases by 20 feet per minute as they hike up from the canyon floor.

So, The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute, Or the hiker is descending from a higher elevation to the canyon floor.

So, The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute, Or the hiker is descending from a higher elevation to the canyon floor?

Height Above Canyon Floor Time (minutes)

360 0
280 3
160 10
80 14
Which statement best interprets the rate of change of the linear model shown in the table?

(1 point)

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from canyon floor changes at a rate of negative 20 feet per minute.

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of −20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking down to a canyon floor changes at a rate of negative 20 feet per minute.

The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.
The elevation of a hiker who is hiking up from a canyon floor changes at a rate of 20 feet per minute.
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