The number of gallons g in a swimming pool being filled with water is g=50x+1,000 , where x is the number of hours since sunrise. It has been 10 hours since sunrise. What is the initial value?(1 point)

To find the initial value in this situation, we need to substitute the given value of 10 for x and solve for g.

g = 50x + 1,000
g = 50(10) + 1,000
g = 500 + 1,000
g = 1,500

Therefore, the initial value is 1,500 gallons.

Use the table to answer the question. Days Fine 2 30 cents 3 45 cents 4 60 cents The table shows the fine owed for an overdue library book according to how many days it is overdue. What is the initial value? (1 point) cents

To find the initial value in this situation, we can look at the first entry in the table.

According to the table, when the book is overdue for 2 days, the fine owed is 30 cents.

Therefore, the initial value is 30 cents.

To find the initial value in this equation, we need to substitute the given value of x into the equation and solve for g. In this case, x is the number of hours since sunrise, which is given as 10 hours.

So, we substitute x = 10 into the equation g = 50x + 1000:

g = 50(10) + 1000
g = 500 + 1000
g = 1500

Therefore, the initial value, g, when x = 0 (which represents the starting point or the value at sunrise), is 1500 gallons.

Hiya! Its 1,000.