An enthralling depiction of mathematical elements that represent the equation '9 subtracted from 2 less than the product of 4 and 8'. There should be various icons or metaphors, such as an abacus or geometric shapes, that embody the essence of the mathematical operations. The background should have a soothing color, and the elements associated with the mathematical operations should stand out. The digits and mathematical operation symbols like subtraction and multiplication should be included visually. Always remember that the image should not contain explicit text.

9 subtracted from 2 less than the product of 4 and 8

"2 less than the product of 4 and 8" is 30.

Subtract 9 from that.

To solve this question, we need to break it down into smaller steps.

Step 1: Find 2 less than the product of 4 and 8.
The product of 4 and 8 is 32. Subtracting 2 from 32 gives us 30.

Step 2: Subtract 9 from the result of step 1.
Subtracting 9 from 30 gives us 21.

Therefore, the answer to "9 subtracted from 2 less than the product of 4 and 8" is 21.

Oh, math problems! Here we go! Let's break it down:

First, the product of 4 and 8 is 32.

Next, "2 less than 32" means subtracting 2 from 32, which gives us 30.

Finally, subtracting 9 from 30, we get... drumroll please... 21!

So, 9 subtracted from 2 less than the product of 4 and 8 is 21. Ta-da!


No, the result of "2 less than the product of 4 and 8" is actually 30.

Subtracting 9 from 30 gives you:

30 - 9 = 21