Create an illustration of a scientific laboratory setup. Show a volumetric flask, a beaker, and a pipette. In the beaker, visually represent a sulfuric acid mixture with 15% concentration, as indicated by layers or colour gradation. Add a symbolic representation of molecules (H2SO4), without actually writing the formula. Also, illustrate the concepts of molarity, molality, and normality through symbols or non-textual visual metaphors. Avoid adding any text to the image.

A commercially available sample of sulphuric acid is 15% H2SO4 by mass (density=1.10g/ml) Calculate the molarity ,normality and molality.

15% w/w means 15 g H2SO4/100 g solution or

15 g H2SO4/(15 + 85)g soln.
mols H2SO4 = 15/98 = about 0.15 but you do it more accurately.
Use the density to convert 100 g solution to volume, change that to L, then
M = mols/L.

That should get you started.


15% H2SO4 by weight means 15g of

H2SO4 dissolved in 85g of water
volume=100/1.10=90.90ml (V)


15% solution of H2So4 mean that 15gm of H2So4 is present in 100gm of solution or 85gm of solvent.

Molarity =Mass of the solution in gm×1000 /Molar mass ×Volume of the solution in ml
=1.68M .

15% solution of H2So4 mean that 15gm of H2So4 is present in 100gm of solution or 85gm of solvent.

Molarity =Mass of the solute ×1000 /Molar mass ×Volume of the solution in ml
=15 ×1000 /98×90.90
Normality =Mass of the solution in gm ×1000 /Volume of the solution in ml ×Equivalent mass
Molality =Mass of the solute ×1000/Mass of the solvent in gm ×Molar mass
=1.8m .
- End -
I hope you want my answer. Thank you .lam Sarju Elangbam from Khangabok, Manipur.

Not good

Thank you so much sir


