A carpenter sawed a piece of wood into 3 pieces. The ratio of the pieces is 1:3:6. The longest piece is 2.5 feet longer than the shortest piece. Find the length of the original piece

let the three pieces be

x , 3x, and 6x

6x - x = 2.5
5x = 2.5
x = .5

three pieces are .5 , 1.5, and 3 ft

the piece was x+3x+6x or 10 long
so 10x = 10(.5) = 5 ft

mmmhh, what about the wood lost due to the sawdust?
You must have one of those fancy new laser saws.

well your so soooooooo wrong sorry

I need more help

Tf the ratio is 1:3:6 and I get and example of something else?

tf is this ur so wrong

Let's denote the length of the shortest piece as x feet.

According to the given ratio 1:3:6, the lengths of the three pieces are x feet, 3x feet, and 6x feet, respectively.

We are also told that the longest piece is 2.5 feet longer than the shortest piece, which means that the length of the longest piece is x + 2.5 feet.

Since the original piece was sawed into three pieces, the sum of the lengths of all three pieces must equal the length of the original piece.

Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

x + 3x + 6x = x + x + 2.5

Simplifying this equation, we get:

10x = 2x + 2.5

Subtracting 2x from both sides, we have:

8x = 2.5

Dividing both sides by 8, we find:

x = 0.3125

Hence, the length of the original piece of wood is x = 0.3125 feet, or 31.25 inches.