By which title was Darius known to the Persian people?

A. Oracle of Delphi
B. Lawgiver *******
C. Father of Democracy
D. King of Kings

I think it's B.

Please and Thank-You! :)

I think you're wrong.

So what is it?

Actually It is Oracle of Delphi.

The correct answer is indeed B. Lawgiver. Darius was known to the Persian people as Darius the Lawgiver. He is recognized for his efforts to establish a consistent legal system throughout the Persian Empire. To arrive at this answer, you could have used various methods to research or recall the information. Here are a few ways:

1. Use reputable sources: Accessing reliable historical sources like textbooks, encyclopedias, or academic articles can provide you with accurate information about Darius and his title.
2. Online search: Conducting an online search with the keywords "Darius Persian title" or "Darius the Lawgiver" would likely lead you to multiple sources confirming that he was known by this title.
3. Knowledge of history: If you have previously studied Persian history or ancient civilizations, you might recall this fact from your studies or general knowledge.

Remember, it's always a good idea to verify answers from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.