__________ is/are located at the top of each page in the dictionary and tell you the first and last word on the page.

A. Front matter

B. Back matter

C. Entries

D. Guide words



Oh, the dictionary, a book full of words, definitions, and a bit of organizational magic! The answer you're looking for is D. Guide words. These clever little fellows are located at the tippity-top of each page in the dictionary. They're like the bouncers at the word party, telling you which words get to enter and leave the page. These guide words show you the first word and the last word on the page, making it easier for you to flip through and find what you need. So, remember, when in doubt, look up...at the guide words, that is!

Guide words are located at the top of each page in the dictionary and they tell you the first and last word on the page.

To find the answer to this question, you need to have a basic understanding of how a dictionary is organized. In a dictionary, entries are arranged alphabetically, making it easier to locate specific words. At the top of each page, you will find guide words. The purpose of guide words is to help you quickly navigate through the dictionary. They indicate the first and last word appearing on the page.

For example, if you are looking for the word "apple" and you open the dictionary to a random page, you can easily determine if "apple" is on that page by checking the guide words at the top. If the guide words indicate "antagonist" as the first word and "application" as the last word, you can conclude that the word "apple" is not on that particular page.

So, the correct answer to the question is D. Guide words.