If 20 teachers in a faculty of 80 are transferred,what percent of the original faculty remains?

(80-20)/80 = ? Change to %.


To find the percentage of the original faculty that remains after 20 teachers are transferred, you need to find the remaining number of teachers and divide it by the original number of teachers, and then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Step 1: Find the remaining number of teachers.
Original number of teachers = 80
Transferred teachers = 20
Remaining teachers = Original number of teachers - Transferred teachers

Remaining teachers = 80 - 20 = 60

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of the original faculty that remains.
Percentage = (Remaining teachers / Original number of teachers) x 100

Percentage = (60 / 80) x 100
Percentage = 0.75 x 100
Percentage = 75

Therefore, 75% of the original faculty remains.

To find the percentage of the original faculty that remains after 20 teachers are transferred, we need to determine the number of teachers remaining in the faculty.

The original faculty has 80 teachers. If 20 of them are transferred, then the number of teachers remaining would be:

Number of teachers remaining = Total number of teachers - Number of teachers transferred
Number of teachers remaining = 80 - 20
Number of teachers remaining = 60

Now, to find the percentage, we can use the formula:

Percentage = (Number of teachers remaining / Total number of teachers) * 100

Plugging in the values:

Percentage = (60 / 80) * 100
Percentage = 0.75 * 100
Percentage = 75

Therefore, 75% of the original faculty remains after 20 teachers are transferred.