A 6.0kg box is on a frictionless 45∘ slope and is connected via a massless string over a massless, frictionless pulley to a hanging 2.4kg weight.

What is the tension in the string if the 6.0kg box is held in place, so that it cannot move?

If the box is then released, which way will it move on the slope?

What is the tension in the string once the box begins to move?


If the box doesn't move, then the Tension in the rope is equal to Fg of the 2.4Kg mass.











Fd>Fg for m1, so the box will move down the ramp, not up.








Solve for a:


Plug into equation for m2 and solve for T:









In the third part of Devron's equations they dropped the minus T in going from




So it should be 3.5T-58.8=41.58N

Well, it seems like this box is quite the adventurer! Let's see if I can help you out with these questions.

First, if the 6.0kg box is held in place and cannot move, then the tension in the string will be equal to the weight of the 2.4kg hanging weight. So, using some math skills here, the tension in the string will be:

Tension = 2.4kg * 9.8m/s^2 = 23.52 Newtons

Now, if the box is released, it will slide down the slope. Why? Well, gravity is always pulling objects down, so the box can't resist the forces of nature! It'll go wheeeeeeee down the slope.

Once the box begins to move, the tension in the string will be a bit different. Since there will be some friction present on the slope, the tension will need to overcome this friction in addition to the weight of the hanging weight. So, the tension will be slightly higher. Exactly how much higher though? That's hard to say without more information about the friction coefficient of the slope.

But don't worry, the tension will make sure the box has a wild ride down the slope, no matter what!

To find the tension in the string when the 6.0kg box is held in place, we need to consider the forces acting on the system. The weight force of the hanging 2.4kg weight pulls downward, and the tension in the string pulls upward. Since the box is not moving, there is no net force in the horizontal direction.

To find the tension, we need to equate the weight force of the hanging weight to the tension in the string. The weight force can be calculated as the mass of the hanging weight multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2):

Weight force = (mass of hanging weight) * (acceleration due to gravity)
= (2.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s^2)
= 23.52 N

Since there is no net force in the horizontal direction, the tension in the string is also equal to the weight force:

Tension in the string = 23.52 N

When the box is released, it will move down the slope. This is because the weight force of the hanging weight is larger than the force of gravity pulling the box down the slope, so the net force is in the direction of the hanging weight.

Once the box begins to move, the tension in the string will decrease. This is because the weight force of the hanging weight is now partially balanced by the force of gravity pulling the box down the slope. The tension in the string can be calculated using the following steps:

1. Decompose the weight force of the hanging weight into components parallel and perpendicular to the slope:
Weight force parallel to the slope = (mass of hanging weight) * (acceleration due to gravity) * sin(45°)
Weight force perpendicular to the slope = (mass of hanging weight) * (acceleration due to gravity) * cos(45°)

2. Calculate the force of gravity pulling the box down the slope:
Force of gravity = (mass of box) * (acceleration due to gravity) * sin(45°)

3. Equate the force of gravity to the weight force parallel to the slope to find the tension:
Tension in the string = Weight force parallel to the slope - Force of gravity

Substituting the given values:
Tension in the string = (2.4 kg) * (9.8 m/s^2) * sin(45°) - (6.0 kg) * (9.8 m/s^2) * sin(45°)
= 11.96 N - 29.9 N
≈ -17 N

Note that the negative sign indicates that the tension in the string is acting in the opposite direction to the weight force of the hanging weight.

To find the tension in the string when the 6.0kg box is held in place, we need to consider the forces acting on the system.

First, let's find the weight force of the 6.0kg box. The weight force can be calculated using the equation: weight = mass * acceleration due to gravity.

weight = 6.0kg * 9.8 m/s^2 (acceleration due to gravity) = 58.8 N

Since the box is held in place, there is no acceleration, and thus no net force acting on the box. Therefore, the tension in the string must be equal in magnitude to the weight of the box.

So the tension in the string when the box is held in place is 58.8 N.

If the box is then released, it will move down the slope. This is because the weight of the hanging 2.4kg weight creates a net force that pulls the box down the slope. The tension in the string will still be present, but it is now responsible for counteracting the weight of both the box and the hanging weight.

Once the box begins to move, the tension in the string can be found by using the net force equation:

net force = mass * acceleration

Since the box is moving down the slope, its acceleration is not known yet. However, we can determine the net force acting on the system:

net force = weight of box - tension

The weight of the box is still 58.8 N, so we can rewrite the equation as:

net force = 58.8 N - tension

The net force can also be calculated as:

net force = mass * acceleration

Whereas the mass is the total mass of the system, which includes the box and the hanging weight:

mass = mass of box + mass of hanging weight = 6.0 kg + 2.4 kg = 8.4 kg

So, we can rewrite the equation as:

net force = 8.4 kg * acceleration

Since the weight of the hanging weight is 2.4 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 23.52 N, the net force equation becomes:

23.52 N = 8.4 kg * acceleration

Finally, we can solve for acceleration, which will then allow us to determine the tension in the string when the box begins to move. Unfortunately, the acceleration cannot be determined from the information provided, so we cannot find the exact tension at this point.