43. A phone company charges 10 cents per minute for the first 3 minutes of a call, and 10-cents for each minute thereafter.What is the cost, in cents, of a 10-minute phone call?

a. 200-20c
c. 30+7c
e. 100-70c

please answer and explain

Please proofread your problem.

10 cents per minute for the first 3 minutes + 30 cents, but I don't know what is 10-cents for each minute thereafter?

type mistake:

10 cents per minute for the first 3 minutes = 30 cents

43. A phone company charges 10 cents per minute for the first 3 minutes of a call, and 10-c cents for each minute thereafter.What is the cost, in cents, of a 10-minute phone call?

10 - 3 = 7

This problem doesn't make sense as the charge per minute is the same -- whether it's the first three minutes or the rest of the phone call.

10 cents per minute for the first 3 minutes = 30 cents ,but I don't know what is 10-c cents for each minute thereafter?

why -3 , because the first 3 minutes ?


is it answer c. 30 + 7c?

What does c represent?