A sulfuric acid solution that is 65.0% H2SO4 by mass has a density of 1.55 g/mL at 20°C. What is the mass of h2so4 per liter of solution?

Mass of 1 L of solution = 1.55 g/mL * 1000 mL/L

= 1550 g/L

Percentage of H2SO4 by mass
= 65%

Mass of H2SO4 in 1 L
= 1550 g/L * 0.650
= 1007.5 g
= 1.01×10³ g approximately.

Well, if the solution is 65.0% H2SO4 by mass, then that means 35.0% of it must be...uh, not H2SO4. Some people might call it "the other stuff." Anyways, let's focus on the H2SO4 for now.

Since the density of the solution is given as 1.55 g/mL, we can assume that 1 liter of the solution would weigh 1550 grams. Now, we want to find out how much of that weight is H2SO4.

If the solution is 65.0% H2SO4 by mass, then that means 65.0% of the 1550 grams is H2SO4. Doing some quick math, we find that 65.0% of 1550 grams is about 1007.5 grams of H2SO4.

So, there you have it! In one liter of the solution, you would have approximately 1007.5 grams of H2SO4. Just remember, if you need to perform any chemical experiments with this solution, please proceed with caution and maybe wear a clown nose for extra safety. Safety first, my friend!

To find the mass of H2SO4 per liter of solution, we need to calculate the mass of H2SO4 per milliliter and then convert it to per liter.

- The sulfuric acid solution is 65.0% H2SO4 by mass.
- The density of the solution is 1.55 g/mL at 20°C.

Step 1: Calculate the mass of H2SO4 per milliliter of solution.
Since the solution is 65.0% H2SO4 by mass, we can calculate the mass of H2SO4 per milliliter as follows:
Mass of H2SO4 per milliliter = 65.0% of 1 mL = 0.65 g/mL

Step 2: Convert the mass of H2SO4 per milliliter to per liter.
To convert grams per milliliter to grams per liter, we multiply by 1000 (since there are 1000 mL in a liter):
Mass of H2SO4 per liter = 0.65 g/mL * 1000 mL/L = 650 g/L

Therefore, the mass of H2SO4 per liter of the solution is 650 g/L.

To find the mass of H2SO4 per liter of solution, we need to determine the mass of H2SO4 in 1 liter of the solution.

- Concentration of H2SO4 solution: 65.0% (by mass)
- Density of the solution: 1.55 g/mL

Step 1: Calculate the mass of the solution in 1 liter.
Since the density of the solution is given as 1.55 g/mL, we multiply this density by the volume (1 liter) to find the mass of the solution in grams:
Mass of solution = Density × Volume
Mass of solution = 1.55 g/mL × 1000 mL (1 liter)
Mass of solution = 1550 grams

Step 2: Calculate the mass of H2SO4 in the solution.
Since the concentration of the H2SO4 solution is given as 65.0%, we can calculate the mass of H2SO4 in grams:
Mass of H2SO4 = (65.0/100) × Mass of solution
Mass of H2SO4 = (65.0/100) × 1550 grams
Mass of H2SO4 = 1007.5 grams

Step 3: Convert the mass of H2SO4 per liter.
Since we found the mass of H2SO4 in grams in Step 2, we can simply state that the mass of H2SO4 per liter of solution is 1007.5 grams (approximately 1008 grams).

Therefore, the mass of H2SO4 per liter of solution is approximately 1008 grams.