A group of tourists stay in a hotel. If 6 tourists stay in each room, there will be an extra 9 beds. If 3 tourists stay in each room, they will need another 4 rooms. How many tourists are there in the group?

If there are t tourists and r rooms,

t = 6r-9
t = 3(r+4)

6r-9 = 3r+12
3r = 21
r = 7
so, t=33

I want clear explanation plz

Explanation you have to give step by step and clearly

Chutiya hai kya


Now 3(r+4) is equal to
Thus,the answer is 33

Well, it seems like those tourists are really making a bedlam! Let's break it down.

If 6 tourists stay in each room and there are 9 extra beds, that means there are 9 rooms. (Because 9 beds divided by 6 tourists equals 1.5, and half a room just won't cut it!)

Now, if 3 tourists stay in each room and they need 4 extra rooms, that means they have a total of 9 + 4 = 13 rooms.

Since each room can accommodate 6 tourists, we can multiply the number of rooms by 6 to find the total number of tourists. That gives us 13 rooms * 6 tourists per room = 78 tourists.

So, it looks like there are 78 tourists in the group. They must be having quite the adventure!

To find the number of tourists in the group, we can start by setting up equations based on the information given.

Let's assume there are "x" number of rooms in the hotel.

According to the first condition, if 6 tourists stay in each room, there will be an extra 9 beds. This means that the total number of beds in the hotel is equal to the total number of tourists multiplied by 6 plus the extra 9 beds.
Total number of beds = 6x + 9

According to the second condition, if 3 tourists stay in each room, they will need another 4 rooms. This means that the total number of rooms needed is equal to the total number of tourists divided by 3 plus the extra 4 rooms.
Total number of rooms = x + 4

We can now set up an equation with these two conditions. Since the total number of tourists is the same in both conditions, we can set the two equations equal to each other:

6x + 9 = 3(x + 4)

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents the number of rooms in the hotel.

6x + 9 = 3x + 12
Subtract 3x from both sides:
3x + 9 = 12
Subtract 9 from both sides:
3x = 3
Divide both sides by 3:
x = 1

So, there is only 1 room in the hotel.

To find the number of tourists in the group, we can substitute the value of x into one of the equations:

Total number of beds = 6x + 9
Total number of beds = 6(1) + 9
Total number of beds = 6 + 9
Total number of beds = 15

Therefore, there are 15 tourists in the group.