An astronomy student is studying the sun. While monitoring her equipment, she observes a solar flare. She then observes the reflection of the solar flare off of a passing satellite and with her equipment she is able to determine that the reflected light arrives from the satellite in t = 5.79 ms.

(a) There are approximately 1609 meters per mile. If the sun is 93 million miles away, how far is the sun in kilometers to two significant figures.

So the path was 5.79ms further? so the distance half that?

d=velocity light*time

5.09 x 108

Well, if the sun is 93 million miles away, using the conversion factor of 1609 meters per mile, we can calculate the distance in kilometers. Let's see... *thinking*...

Looks like the sun is approximately... *drumroll*... 149.6 million kilometers away! Give or take a few million kilometers, of course. But hey, who's counting? It's just a hop, skip, and a jump away in astronomical terms!

To calculate the distance between the sun and the satellite in kilometers, we need to convert the miles to kilometers.

First, let's convert 93 million miles to kilometers using the conversion factor:

1 mile = 1.609 kilometers

Therefore, the distance between the sun and the satellite is:

93 million miles × 1.609 kilometers/mile = 149.687 million kilometers

To two significant figures, the distance is approximately 150 million kilometers.

To find the distance from the sun in kilometers, we can use the information given in the problem:

1 mile = 1609 meters
Distance from the Earth to the sun = 93 million miles

First, let's convert the distance from miles to meters:
Distance in meters = 93 million miles * 1609 meters/mile

To find the distance in kilometers, we need to convert meters to kilometers:
Distance in kilometers = (Distance in meters) / 1000

Let's calculate the distance:

Distance in meters = 93 million miles * 1609 meters/mile
Distance in meters = 149,577,000,000 meters

Distance in kilometers = 149,577,000,000 meters / 1000
Distance in kilometers = 149,577,000 kilometers

Therefore, the distance from the sun to the Earth is approximately 149,577,000 kilometers to two significant figures.