which of following is the reason that governor wright did not accept noble wimberly jones as speaker of the commons hoise

a. he was not eligible to vote.
b. he could not read.
c. he lived in the backcountry
d. he had benn a leader of the sone sof liberty @brady

Please see my other post for this question.


2. d
3. d
4. a


thank you so much @jane. i got a 100

@jane is right got a 100%

Aailyah is correct, thanks.

Aailyah im sorry you made that grade but you are 100 percent correct thxx


@jane the last one is c

@Jane 4 is not a it is c

1 -- C

2 -- D
3 -- D
4 -- C
@jane is almost correct but these are the correct answers

yes, @None ya is correct for the quick check 2020. ;)

@None ya is still right in 2021

i will most likely never be on this site again but alot has happened this past couple weeks and all these unit test and stuff is alot and i refuse to let my grades drop and get overdue lessons because i need to go to sleep and i had alot of family drama

so thank you for cheatin :)