Which of the following sentences best describes the progressive era?

A. it was a period in which many social reforms occurred.
B. it was a period of unchecked abuses by big business.
C. it was a period of cival war and the end of slavery.
D. it was a period of Westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny.
Is the answer A?

Yes, the answer is A.

Thank you

You're welcome.




A - It was a period in which many social reforms occurred.

D - to organize information visually around a central concept.

B - Smartart offers different ways

Yes, the answer is A.

To arrive at this conclusion, we can analyze the options and eliminate the ones that are incorrect.

Option B suggests that the Progressive Era was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. However, the Progressive Era was actually a response to these abuses and aimed to address social problems caused by industrialization and urbanization. So, option B can be eliminated.

Option C is incorrect as it describes the period of the Civil War and the end of slavery, which occurred in the 1860s, not during the Progressive Era.

Option D is also incorrect as it refers to the concept of manifest destiny and Westward expansion, which took place during the 19th century.

Therefore, we can conclude that option A, which states that the Progressive Era was a period in which many social reforms occurred, is the best description of the Progressive Era.