The total length of two ribbons is 13 meters if one ribbon is 7 5/8 meters long,what is the length of the other ribbon ?

13 = 12 8/8

12 8/8 - 7 5/8 = ?

13 = 12 8/8

minus 7 5/8
equals 5 3/8

Convert both to fractions.

7 * 8 + 5 = 61/8
13 * 8 = 104/8

Subtract both fractions
104/8 - 61/8 = 43/8

Convert 43/8 to mixed number
43 / 8 = 5 3/8

Thanks again.

13+7 5/8 equals 5/8

5 5/4


this is amazing I love this app helpd a lot.

I dont even understand

i think 20/58