One box measure 7 meters by 15 meters by 8 meters. Another box measure 8 meters by 9 meters by 10 meters. by how many cubic meter is the volume of box greater than the other?

7 * 15 * 8 = 840 cubic meters

8 * 9 * 10 = _______ cubic meters



Ah, it's a battle of the boxes, huh? Well, let's calculate the difference in volume! The first box has a volume of 7 * 15 * 8 = 840 cubic meters. The second box has a volume of 8 * 9 * 10 = 720 cubic meters. So, the volume of the first box is greater by 840 - 720 = 120 cubic meters. That's like fitting in a whole room full of rubber ducks! Quite the size difference, huh?

To find the difference in volume between the two boxes, we need to calculate the volume of each box individually and then subtract the smaller volume from the larger volume.

Let's start with the first box. The dimensions are given as 7 meters by 15 meters by 8 meters. To find the volume, we multiply these three dimensions together:

Volume of the first box = 7 meters × 15 meters × 8 meters = 840 cubic meters.

Now let's move on to the second box. The dimensions are given as 8 meters by 9 meters by 10 meters. Again, we multiply these three dimensions together to find the volume:

Volume of the second box = 8 meters × 9 meters × 10 meters = 720 cubic meters.

To find the difference in volume, we subtract the volume of the smaller box from the volume of the larger box:

Difference in volume = Volume of the first box - Volume of the second box
= 840 cubic meters - 720 cubic meters
= 120 cubic meters.

Therefore, the volume of the first box is 120 cubic meters greater than the volume of the second box.