Both texts deal with racial discrimination. How does the structure of poem help convey this meaning in a way that the prose passage does not?

The poem conveys meaning through imagery; the prose passage does not.

The poem uses first person point of view; the prose passage does not.

The poem conveys meaning through metaphor; the prose passage does not.

The poem conveys meaning through its rhyme scheme; the prose passage does not.

Both texts?

The poem?


The answer is D) The poem conveys meaning through imagery; the prose uses anecdote

The correct answer is C) The poem conveys meaning through metaphor; the prose passage does not.

To determine this, you would need to analyze the structure and literary techniques used in both the poem and the prose passage. The structure of a poem often includes various literary devices such as metaphor, imagery, rhyme scheme, and other poetic elements that contribute to conveying the poem's meaning.

In this particular question, the poem is said to convey meaning through metaphor, while the prose passage does not. Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things in a symbolic or abstract way. It allows the writer to evoke vivid and imaginative associations, helping to convey complex ideas or emotions.

To determine if the poem employs metaphor, you would need to carefully read and analyze the poem's language and imagery. Look for any instances where the poet compares or equates one thing with another to convey a deeper meaning related to racial discrimination. This could be expressed through implicit or explicit comparisons or descriptions, highlighting the experiences or struggles of individuals or groups affected by racial discrimination.

On the other hand, the prose passage, being written in a prose format, might convey its meaning through other literary techniques such as descriptive language, characterization, or narrative structure. However, based on the given options, it does not utilize metaphor as a means of conveying meaning about racial discrimination.

Therefore, option C, "The poem conveys meaning through metaphor; the prose passage does not," is the correct answer.