I need help like right now

It was only after the _______ _______ that people started gathering in larger groups and formed more complex institutions
A)industrial revolution
B)agricultural revolution
C)iron age
D)technological revolution

The quickest way to find the answer is in your book or lesson.

What have you learned about people gathering into larger groups and settling down?

my book is at my aunts house ....

Then Google each of your choices.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Follow Ms. Sue's advice! But think, too. When people hunted and gathered for food, they had to move around, didn't they? What changed that allowed them to stay in one place? It wasn't the steam engine or the Model T!

It's best to study your notes before googling it

1. c

2. d
3. b

I just took the test, and got 100% Your welcome.

1. C
2. D
3. B

You know that if you don’t have your book you can look online for the book

Thank you Eyy lmao %100

To answer the question, you need to understand the concept of larger groups and more complex institutions emerging after a specific event. One way to find the answer is through a process of elimination by analyzing each option and selecting the most appropriate one.

A) The Industrial Revolution primarily refers to the transition from handmade goods to machine-made products. While it did lead to significant societal changes, it may not be directly related to the emergence of larger groups or complex institutions.

B) The Agricultural Revolution refers to the shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled farming communities. This period saw the domestication of plants and animals, leading to the development of agriculture. As a result, people started living in larger settled groups, creating the foundation for more complex institutions. This could be a potential answer.

C) The Iron Age refers to a period characterized by the widespread use of iron tools and weapons. Although advancements in technology and resource utilization may have influenced societal changes, it may not have directly led to the formation of larger groups or complex institutions.

D) The Technological Revolution is a more general term that encompasses various technological advancements throughout history. While it may have contributed to societal changes, it does not specifically address the formation of larger groups or complex institutions.

Considering the options, the most appropriate answer is likely B) Agricultural Revolution. This revolution spurred the transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled communities, leading to the emergence of larger groups and the development of more complex institutions.