Samuel and Jason 3/4 of the combined earnings from Wednesday to buy a gift. how much do they spend? Is there enough left over from Wednesday's earnings to buy a card that costs $3.25?

Insufficient data.


Idk & idn

To find out how much Samuel and Jason spent, we need to know the combined earnings from Wednesday. Let's assume the combined earnings are represented by the variable 'C'.

If Samuel and Jason spent 3/4 of the combined earnings, we can express that as 3/4 * C.

Therefore, the amount they spent is 3/4 * C.

To determine if there's enough left over to buy a $3.25 card, we need to subtract the amount they spent from the combined earnings. The calculation would be:

C - (3/4 * C)

Simplifying this equation gives us:

C - (3/4 * C) = 1/4 * C

So, the amount left over from Wednesday's earnings is 1/4 * C.

Now, to answer the second part of your question, we need to find out if the amount left over is enough to buy the $3.25 card.

We can express this as an inequality:

1/4 * C >= $3.25

To solve this inequality, we multiply both sides by 4 to get rid of the fraction:

C >= $13

Therefore, if the combined earnings from Wednesday are at least $13, there would be enough left over to buy the $3.25 card.

To find out exactly how much Samuel and Jason spent, we would need to know the value of C.