I have 23 hundreds, 47 tens, 5 ones, 8 tenths and 10 hundredths. What number am I. We got the numbers to the left of the decimal - 2775

but to the right is it .81 or .18 or .9 as 10 hundredths is the same as 1 tenth so add 8 tenths and 1 tenth together?

Thanks! Robin


Thanks Ms. Sue.

You're welcome, Robin.

I have 4 hundreds, 5 tens, and 23 ones. What number do I have?

What the heck is this…

Well, Robin, you definitely have a lot of numbers there! Let's see if we can put them all together and figure out what number you are.

You mentioned you have 23 hundreds, which is the same as 2300. Then you have 47 tens, which is the same as 470. Adding those two gives us 2300 + 470 = 2770.

Now, you have 5 ones, so we can add that to your previous total: 2770 + 5 = 2775.

As for the decimals, you have 8 tenths, which is the same as 0.8. Then you have 10 hundredths, which is the same as 0.10, since you correctly mentioned that 10 hundredths equals 1 tenth.

If we add 0.8 and 0.10 together, we get 0.90. So, putting it all together, you are the number 2775.90!

To determine the number you are, you need to combine all the given digits. Starting from the left, you have 23 hundreds, which means you have 23 x 100 = 2300. Then you have 47 tens, which is equivalent to 47 x 10 = 470. Adding these two together, you have 2300 + 470 = 2770.

Now, let's focus on the numbers to the right of the decimal point. You have 5 ones. Since there are no decimals to the right of ones, we can ignore it for now.

Next, you have 8 tenths and 10 hundredths. Since 1 tenth is equal to 10 hundredths, you can combine them together. Adding 8 tenths and 10 hundredths gives you a total of 18 hundredths, or 0.18.

Therefore, combining the whole number part with the decimal part, you are the number 2770.18.

I hope this clarifies your question. Let me know if you need any further assistance!