Select all pairs of ratios that form a proportion.


Simplify the fractions.

4/20 = 1/5
1/5 is not a proportion equal to 1/6

I'll be glad to check your answer after you simplify the other fractions.

7/9 28/36, 14/18 21/27

hey guys these are the Answers for lesson 3 proportion unit 1 ratios,proportions and percent these answers are FROM connections academy so idk if it will work for anything else but

1. 7/9, 28/26 and 14/18, 21/27
2. 9/14, 3/4
5.$ 31.25

100 percent guaranteed hope this helps u all

cool stuff is right, thx

Cool stuff is right! 100%

Ty cool stuff 😊

thank cool stuff

cool stuff is correct! thank you cool stuff

Thanks cool stuff . I got 100%

^w^= a new face😌