Which best describes the main purpose of The Declaration of Independence?

The purpose was to insult the King of England.

The purpose was tell why the colonies were revolting against Britain and declaring their independence.

The purpose was to describe ways that the colonists could improve themselves.


No. Have you read it?


i ment to put B but thanks anyway

B is correct.

We’re not supposed to read the whole Declaration of Independence. Does people actually think we are going to read the entire Declaration of Independence for one question?

The correct answer is: The purpose was to tell why the colonies were revolting against Britain and declaring their independence.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the historical context of The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson and was a formal document that announced the breakaway of thirteen American colonies from the British Empire. Its main purpose was to provide a justification for why the colonies were revolting against Britain and declaring their independence.

To verify this answer, you can read the actual text of The Declaration of Independence and analyze its content. The opening lines clearly state the intention of the document, stating that it is necessary for the colonies to "dissolve the political bands" that tie them to Britain and explain the reasons for doing so.