Which of the following describes the Gilded Age? Choose all that apply

A a period of great prosperity for all Americans
B a time of great social change and industrialization in America******
C a period of great prosperity for some Americans********
D a time of economic downturn and general poverty for much of America

Which of the following is a definition of the Progressive Era

A a period in which some got rich while others stayed poor
B a time of new laws designed to create a more equal society
C a time of industrialization and urbanization in America
D All of the above********

Which of the following was the subject of a book written by mark Twain in 1873

A the Gilded Age*****
B the Progressive Era
C the Reconstruction of the South
D the homes of the rich

Please help!

Read lots and then rethink your answers:


Re-search with any of the terms/words in the answers you are not 100% sure of.

Actually, I think you are correct on all three questions. The Gilded Age saw industrialists (especially railroad owners and oil companies) reap HUGE profits while paying low wages, and forcing small companies out of business. It was profitable for some, but not the many. The progressive era is characterized by attempts to rectify that situation with new laws (outlawing child labor, restricting monopolies, etc.) And Twain's novel was titled "The Gilded Age."

I thought so. Thank you

Keep in mind that while there were depressions in the 1870s and the 1890s, the general characteristic of the era from about 1868 to the turn of the 20th century is called "The Gilded Age." Gilded for the so-called "robber barons." The Progressive Era began in the late 1890s and came to some fruition beginning in 1901 until the start of World War I or America's entry into that war in 1917.

You are 100% right

Yep, 3/3, 100%! Thx!


4/4 100% They work for 2018!! Btw!

To determine which options are correct for each question, we can break down each statement and analyze them one by one.

Question 1: Which of the following describes the Gilded Age? Choose all that apply.

A - a period of great prosperity for all Americans.
B - a time of great social change and industrialization in America.
C - a period of great prosperity for some Americans.
D - a time of economic downturn and general poverty for much of America.

Explanation: The Gilded Age refers to a period in American history from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, characterized by rapid economic growth, industrialization, and social change. It is known for significant wealth accumulation and opulence for some, while others faced economic hardships and poverty. Therefore, options B and C are correct since they correctly describe the Gilded Age.

Question 2: Which of the following is a definition of the Progressive Era?

A - a period in which some got rich while others stayed poor.
B - a time of new laws designed to create a more equal society.
C - a time of industrialization and urbanization in America.
D - All of the above.

Explanation: The Progressive Era refers to a period in American history from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, marked by social activism and reform. It aimed to address various societal issues and create a more equitable society through political reforms, new laws, and regulations. Therefore, option B is correct as it accurately describes the Progressive Era.

Question 3: Which of the following was the subject of a book written by Mark Twain in 1873?

A - the Gilded Age.
B - the Progressive Era.
C - the Reconstruction of the South.
D - the homes of the rich.

Explanation: In 1873, Mark Twain published a novel titled "The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today." This book explored the societal and political issues during the Gilded Age, including economic disparities, corruption, and the impact of rapid industrialization. Therefore, option A is correct as it accurately identifies the subject of Mark Twain's book.

Correct Answers:

Question 1: B and C
Question 2: B
Question 3: A