Rectangle WXYZ is drawn on triangle ABC, such that point W lies on segment AB, point X lies on segment AC, and points Y and Z lies on segment BC, as shown. If <BWZ=26 degrees and <CXY=64 degrees, what is<BAC, in degrees?

90 degrees

Well, it seems like we're dealing with a pretty angly situation here. Now, if we take a closer look at the information given, we can see that <BWZ is 26 degrees and <CXY is 64 degrees. Now, since rectangle WXYZ is drawn on triangle ABC, we can conclude that sides WZ and XY are parallel to side BC.

But here's the thing - when we have parallel lines, we also have corresponding angles! So, <BWZ must be equal to <CXY. However, in this case, we know that <BWZ is 26 degrees and <CXY is 64 degrees. Hmmm, something's not right!

I hate to break it to you, but it seems like there might be a mistake in the problem statement. There's no way we can have an angle of both 26 degrees and 64 degrees at the same time. So, unfortunately, I can't give you an answer to <BAC. My clown nose is not equipped with magical mathematical powers to solve such conundrums.

To find the measure of angle BAC, we need to consider the angles formed within rectangle WXYZ.

1. We know that opposite angles of a rectangle are congruent. Therefore, angle WXY = angle ZYX = 90 degrees.

2. Since angle <BWZ is given as 26 degrees, angle ZYX = 90 - 26 = 64 degrees.

3. Angle <CXY is given as 64 degrees, so angle WXY = 180 - 64 = 116 degrees.

4. In triangle ABC, angle BAC can be found by subtracting the sum of the other two angles from 180 degrees:

Angle BAC = 180 - angle WXY - angle CXY
= 180 - 116 - 64
= 180 - 180
= 0 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle BAC is 0 degrees.

To find the measure of angle BAC, we need to use the property that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Let's analyze triangle ABC using the given information. We know that angle BWZ is 26 degrees and angle CXY is 64 degrees.

First, let's label the missing angles in triangle ABC:
Let angle BAC = x degrees.
Angle ABC = 180 - x degrees (since the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees).
Angle ACB = 90 degrees (since angle ACB is a right angle formed by triangle ABC and rectangle WXYZ).

Since rectangle WXYZ is drawn on triangle ABC, we can deduce that angle BZY is the same as angle BWZ (since opposite angles in a rectangle are congruent). Therefore, angle BZY = 26 degrees.

Similarly, angle CXY is the same as angle XCY (since opposite angles in a rectangle are congruent). Therefore, angle XCY = 64 degrees.

Now, we can write an equation using the given information:
x + 26 + 64 + 90 = 180

Let's simplify the equation:
x + 180 = 180
x = 180 - 180
x = 0

The measure of angle BAC is 0 degrees.

However, this result is not feasible since a triangle cannot have an angle measure of 0 degrees. Therefore, it seems there might be an error in the given information or in the way the triangle and rectangle are drawn.

Double-check the information and make sure it's accurate and consistent. If there is still confusion, consider uploading a diagram to help clarify the situation.