You want to find out what the favorite hot lunch in the school cafeteria is among the high school students. At an assembly for the whole school, you decide to survey all students who are sitting on the end of their rows in the auditorium. What type of survey are you conducting?


my answer is random

I disagree.

my other thought was stratified because of the grouping and selection

How about systematic?

Your answer is correct. The type of survey you are conducting is a random survey.

A random survey is a method of selecting participants in a way that gives an equal chance for each individual to be chosen. By surveying the students who are sitting on the end of their rows in the auditorium, you are ensuring that each student in the high school has an equal opportunity to be surveyed and that the sample is representative of the entire student population. This helps to minimize bias and provide a more accurate reflection of the opinions and preferences of the high school students.