The theoretical probability of spinning an even number

on a spinner is 2

. The spinner has 8 even-numbered
sections. How many sections are on the spinner?

Let n = number of sections

If 2/3 of n is the number of even numbered sections, which is 8, then,
(2/3)n = 8
n = 12

The probability of choosing a 5 and then a 6

the probability of spinning an even number is 40 percent what is the probability of not spinning an even number in a decimal

To find the total number of sections on the spinner, we need to use the theoretical probability given and the number of even-numbered sections.

The theoretical probability of spinning an even number is given as 2/3. This means that out of all the possible outcomes, 2/3 of them will be even numbers.

Let the total number of sections on the spinner be represented by x.

Since the probability of spinning an even number is 2/3, the number of even-numbered sections on the spinner will be (2/3)x.

We are given that there are 8 even-numbered sections on the spinner, so we can set up the equation:

(2/3)x = 8

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3/2:

3/2 * (2/3)x = 3/2 * 8

x = 12

Therefore, there are 12 sections on the spinner.